Think! Deacons
Acts 6:2-4, 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Deacons are servants who help elders. When a special task needs to be done,
elders appoint deacons to carry out the task. In this way, the task gets
done, but the elders can continue to focus on watching out for the
congregation and looking for other needs. Not just anyone can be a deacon.
The Bible tells us the qualifications for deacons.
Write "T" next to the true statements and "F" next to the false ones.
- The job of a deacon is to serve. (1 Timothy 3:13, Acts 6:2-4)
- A woman may be a deacon. (1 Timothy 3:11-12)
- A single man may be a deacon. (1 Timothy 3:12)
- A man whose wife is not a faithful christian may be a deacon. (1 Timothy 3:11)
- A deacon is a young elder. (Acts 6:2-4)
- A deacon must have children. (1 Timothy 3:12)
- Elders must examine deacons to prove they are qualified. (1 Timothy 3:10)
- Deacons must rule their own houses. (1 Timothy 3:12)
- A deacon must be truthful. (1 Timothy 3:8)
- A deacon may have a bad reputation in the local town as long as the rumors are not true. (1 Timothy 3:10)
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